Simulado de Inglês Avançado / Advanced English Simulation

No nível avançado, a pessoa é capaz de compreender um vasto número de textos longos em Inglês, reconhecendo os seus significados implícitos, alem de conseguir se expressar de forma fluente e espontânea sem precisar procurar muito as palavras. Para você se aprofundar ainda mais no idioma, preparamos esse simulado.

Questão 1

A “method” is not a relevant issue in such a connection between approach and technique. As your teacher-trainees develop and carry out classroom techniques, they can benefit by grounding everything they do in well-established principles of language learning and teaching. In so doing, they will be less likely to bring a pre-packaged and possibly ineffective method to bear, and more likely to be directly responsive to their students’ purposes and goals. (BROWN, H. Douglas. Beyond Method: Toward a principled approach to language learning and teaching. Anais do XIII ENPULI. 1995 p.45)

Which statement is correct according to Brown?

Questão 2

In practical terms, focusing on a grammar topic may be a challenge for the teacher and the student. Using the Passive Voice as mere example, LarsenFreeman (2003, p. 47) states that “the ultimate challenge of the passive voice is not form” because “although it is a grammatical form, it is not the form that presents the learning challenge”. In her example, focusing on form, teachers may mistakenly choose to introduce the passive as a transformed version of the active, implying they are interchangeable or that all passive sentences include the agent, which is definitely not the case. A good alternative to teaching through form could be to:

Questão 3

“May I say a few words?”

We may keep the sentence grammatically correct by substituting “words” for:

Questão 4

“May I say a few words?”

We may keep the sentence grammatically correct by substituting “May” for:

Questão 5

On the other hand, one may wonder what role English for Specific Purposes (ESP) plays in Brazil? The answer is: ESP has also its place in the Brazilian educational c ontext. It is now a well-established area field of language teaching and learning in the country. As already attested elsewhere (Ramos, 2005) ESP is a part of innumerable new textbooks that were put on the market in the last 10 years. It is part of the content indicated for the tertiary level entrance exams (maned Vestibular) in the country. It is the name of many courses that are offered in Brazilian universities. (RAMOS, R. C. G. ESP in Brazil: history, new trends and challenges. In: KRZANOWSKI, M. (Ed.). ESP and EAP in Developing and in Least Developing Countries. IATEFL, 2008. p. 68-83.)

Which of the following are characteristics of English for Specific Purposes?

1. Meets specific needs of learners.
2. Makes use of underlying methodology and activities of the discipline it serves.
3. Is centered on the language appropriate to these activities in terms of grammar, lexis, syntax, study skills, discourse and genre.
4. Is designed for business purposes only.
5. Follows a specific methodology.

Questão 6

After analyzing the cartoons, answer the question:

What can be stated about students’ learning autonomy?

Questão 7

“Nossa preocupação é com o aprendizado de idiomas. Não podemos simplesmente supor que descrever e exemplificando o que as pessoas fazem com a linguagem permitir que alguém o aprenda. Se assim fosse, nós precisaria fazer mais do que ler um livro de gramática e um dicionário para aprender uma língua. Uma abordagem verdadeiramente válida para o ESP deve ser baseada em uma compreensão dos processos da linguagem Aprendendo" (HUTCHINSON & WATERS, 1987, p.14)

According to Hutchinson and Waters (1987), the subject of their book is:

Questão 8

"I have plowed and reaped and husked and chopped and mowed, and can any man do more than that?"

When Sojourner chooses to use “can” in “and can any man do more than that?”, she does it because:

Questão 9

"I have plowed and reaped and husked and chopped and mowed, and can any man do more than that?"

We may say that the verbs Sojourner uses are:

Questão 10

According to Motta-Roth (2008), the Critical Genre Pedagogy sees the process of teaching/ learning as situated. That means it’s necessary to contextualize content and syllabus based on educational, cultural, social, and political imperatives, connecting individual experience to social experiences as well as social historic conditions of production, distribution and consumption of texts in society. A good example of genre pedagogy in use can be seen when the teacher proposes:

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